Alright, so it’s come to my attention (thanks to Jeff) that I may have jumped into this blog without even telling you what The Brotherhood actually is. I realize that might be kind of important. Here’s the honest answer: I’m not entirely sure yet.

Jeff and I were talking about what we’re building here, and he’s been poking at me to put it into words. But to be straight with you, The Brotherhood started off as just two guys lifting weights and trying to live by values we don’t always see in the world around us. It’s not just about muscle, though there’s plenty of that happening. It’s about something bigger, something I haven’t quite pieced together yet.

Maybe that’s why defining it is a struggle. It’s like trying to explain a work in progress while you’re still covered in sawdust. You can see the outline, but there’s still a lot of sanding and shaping to do before it’s anything close to finished. In other words, the Brotherhood is still a bit of an experiment.

If I’m being honest (and I’m trying), part of the reason for all this isn’t just about the vision of some ideal community. I’ve always pushed myself to be strong, to be the one who never backs down, and I think, in some ways, The Brotherhood is my attempt to pass that strength along. Not exactly in a gentle, guru kind of way, either. More like the way I was taught to be strong: by toughening up, taking the hits, and learning to deal with them.

And maybe that’s why I need Jeff’s input on this—he’s got this ability to remind me that it’s okay to… I don’t know, nothammer everyone into shape like they’re iron in the forge. Sometimes, I have this tendency to lean a little too hard into “tough love,” and while that may be fine for me, Jeff’s been gently suggesting that it might not be what everyone needs all the time.

So, here’s what I know about The Brotherhood so far: it’s a place for us to become something stronger than what we could be alone. It’s an idea that we can become our best selves—individually and together—by facing our weaknesses head-on. And it’s a space where we try to be better, even if we’re still figuring out exactly what that looks like.

If you’re here reading, you’re welcome to join us as we work out the kinks, even if they’re mostly my kinks, in this whole “being strong without crushing people in the process” idea.

~ Matthew 🌳

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